Sunday, July 6, 2008

Our first Olympic "Test"

As many of you know in order to officiate at any major tournament Referees and AR's must pass the fitness test at each event. In previous years the fitness test occurred upon arrival, however for the 2008 Olympic Games we'll be travelling to Trinidad and Tobago (in the Caribbean) on July 15th to take the test. We've all be training very hard and all expect to do well. This will be our first "test" for these Olympic Games. Wish us luck.


RM said...

Ron Marfil from San Jose writing.

I wish you your "usual" outstanding tournament.
I would also wish you luck, but with your skill set, you won't need any.
Have fun too!!!!!!!

a.tamayo said...

Enjoy the olimpycs and have fun, like Ron says you don't need luck, just do the usual and everithing will be OK.

Marleen from all the guys from CAFLA a big huggggggggg.


Antonio Tamayo

Kenyatta Scott said...

Hey! You guys rock. Make sure you have fun because you really will have no pressure you are only representing a nation and about 100,000+ individuals(don't sweat it).
Now since you are in China is it true that they are changing the physical test a bit? It is to be a run, walk, sprint on the Great Wall, also expanding to shuttle runs and proper sidestepping techniques?
Jair, what are you looking at as you give the yellow card?
Viva 8-8-08?
We are with you always, so relax.
Peace, prayer, and blessings be with you all.

Kenyatta Scott(some random guy)