Monday, August 4, 2008

Assignments are out!!!!!!!

Match Day one assignments are out.
So the group play begins on Aug 7, 2008 and We were assigned the match between Cameroon and Korea. This match will take place in the City on the coast called Qinhuangdao, At the Olympic Sports Center. seating 32,000. We practiced this afternoon using the communication system, as well as began mental preparation for this match.
We are very excited to represent the USA referee program!!!!!!!!!


Ribitgrl said...

I am excited for you!!!! Miss you

Drew said...

Jair and Kermit, congratualtions!. Looking for it on the t.v. schedule, but no luck... Only on NBC Olympic Soccer Channel it looks like. Good Luck!

momquiz said...

Congrats on first assignment. Made an anniversary a better day. Trying to find TV schedule but so far no luck. Happy birthday also to Marlene.

Momma and Dad

Sean said...

Best of luck Q. Make Florida proud! Congrats to Jair as well. Give my best to Kari, Marlene, and Veronica.

Werner said...

Kari and Kermit...

Congratulations and

Have fun out there!

Marina said...

Hi Veronica,
You look great! We in the Fresno office are so proud of you. I will watch for you on TV.

aquiles said...

kermit thanks for the blog. good luck to all. i will check the blog alot and will be view on olympic channel.make FLORIDA AND THE U.S.A PROUD.

Babak said...

Congrats on your assignment Kermit. We all know you and Jair will represent Region 3 & the U.S. well. All of us from ODP Camp our proud of you.

Ken Ellis said...

Good knowing you. All teachers at Myers Middle School comment to me about your achievement. Glad to know you are doing great!!! Make us proud in Louisville.

Ken Ellis

samsarmy said...

Kermit, congratulations on being chosen to represent the USA. All your friends at Florda State Referees will be checking in on the blog regularly. I'm sure we'll be hearing the TV announcers say "Good call by the assistant referee, he was right on top of it" during instant replays.

Good luck! -Mike Reeves

Anonymous said...

Congrats Coach Q. You'll do great. Make us all proud, we know you can. Once a Wildcat always a Wildcat.
Jennifer Mccullough

Anonymous said...

hey Q you r the man. good luck and have fun out there. make the wildcats proud. see you when you get back butter

gc said...

Jair, brother..very proud of you! Cannot find tv schedule..keep us posted. Nice pics, best of luck to your team.. love sis

sue said...

Kermit, congratulations on such a well deserved and hard earned honor. It is so awesome that one of the Taylor High faculty has reached this level of performance. Enjoy every minute of th eexperience, we are all following you. Sue, counselor.